Tag Archives: Hydroponics Unlimited
Grow anywhere, even in a New York Apartment
One of the major benefits of hydroponics is that you can grow anywhere and anytime of the year. I recently stumbled across a project called Window Farms from www.windowfarms.org. Basically the concept behind them is that you can grow indoors in any space, but specifically in spaces without a lot of room. See below: “Researchers […]
Hydro Health
The holidays are quickly upon us and then the end of the year. The holiday season always sneaks up on us and comes with a wrath of emotions and expressions. Then it’s on to New Years resolutions and what we’ll do next year that we should’ve done this year. The same cycle happens every year, […]
CO2 and Plants
I stumbled upon a section on Co2 in the “How to Supercharge Your Garden” book written by Graham Reinders and illustrated by Marseene Mainly. I thought I’d share a piece of the chapter as it kind of made me laugh inside, but also displays our innate relationship with nature and the plants that we grow. See below and enjoy;
Best light for seedlings
What’s the best light for seedlings?