Humboldt County’s Own

Hydroponics Nutrients from Humboldt County’s Own now recently added to Hydroponics Unlimited’s inventory!  Humboldt County Bush Master, Humboldt County Purple Maxx and Humboldt County Gravity.

Bush Master: BushMaster speed shifts plants into bloom by eliminating the stretch phase of the growth cycle.  Advanced growers are using BushMaster as a shape shifter.  By applying early in the grow cycle plants can develop tight baseball shaped or popsicle shaped clusters of flowers so more plants can be grown in a smaller area.  Contains no carcinogens or toxic chemicals. PLANTS FINISH 7-10 DAYS SOONER!

Purple Maxx (Snow Storm): NO DYES, NO TRICKS, 100% ORGANIC! From Stacker to Trichomax to Purple Maxx Snow Storm, this name has evolved to describe a product so incredible that it couldn’t be developed intentionally but had to be discovered accidentally.  Works well in soil or hydro, indoors or out.  Channels your favorite nutrients to maximize flower and color development.

Gravity (Flower Hardener): Takes your flowers beyond anything achievable through fertilizer alone.  Substantial weight gains are routine.  Outrageous gains are not unusual.  You can feel the difference.  No more slow finishes.  Forces flowers toward complete development.  Just 1 or 2 treatments in late bloom.  Works with all popular nutrients.